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Pap Franswa Mande Pou Lapè Retounen Imedyaman nan Ikrèn
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Pap Franswa Mande Pou Lapè Retounen Imedyaman nan Ikrèn

Pope Francis waves from the window of the Apostolic Palace during the weekly Angelus prayer on Oct. 2, 2022 in the Vatican.
Pope Francis waves from the window of the Apostolic Palace during the weekly Angelus prayer on Oct. 2, 2022 in the Vatican.

Pandan lapryè Angelus li fè chak semèn, Pap Franswa angaje l pou l mande pou gen yon fen imedyatman nan lagè a nan Ikrèn. Pontif la di li te pale dirèkteman ak Prezidan Federasyon Ris la, Vladimir Putin.

Pap la di: "Se avek tritès mond lan ap aprann kat jewografi Ikrèn - vil tankou Boutcha, Irpin, Mariupol, Izium, Zaporizhya ak plizyè lòt kote, akòz soufrans ak laperèz yo genyen sou lagè a."

Li ajoute: "Apèl mwen an adrese sitou ak Prezidan Federasyon Larisi a,se pou mande l sispann lagè a."