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Avyon ak Bato Chinwa Nan 'Liy Medyàn' Ki Seperare Taiwan ak Lachin
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Avyon ak Bato Chinwa Nan 'Liy Medyàn' Ki Seperare Taiwan ak Lachin

A boat moves through the water at the 68-nautical-mile scenic spot, the closest point in mainland China to the island of Taiwan, in Pingtan in southeastern China's Fujian province, Aug. 5, 2022.
A boat moves through the water at the 68-nautical-mile scenic spot, the closest point in mainland China to the island of Taiwan, in Pingtan in southeastern China's Fujian province, Aug. 5, 2022.

Ministè Defans Taiwan denonse vandredi nan yon deklarasyon egzèsis militè "trè pwovokan" ke Lachin lanse. Li te bay detay sou ki pozisyon aparèy militè Chinwa yo te ye.

Li deklare "avyon ak bato de gè" Chinwa yo te travèse "liy medyàn" kanal Taiwan la -- se liy medyàn sa ki separe zile a ak tè pwensipal Lachin.

Ministè defans la te kontinye pou l di "apati 11 a.m., plizyè gwoup avyon de gè ak bato de gè Chinwa yo tap fè egzèsis ozalantou Taiwan epi yo te travèse liy medyàn lan."