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Kanada: Justin Trudeau Teste Pozitif Ankò Pou COVID-19
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Kanada: Justin Trudeau Teste Pozitif Ankò Pou COVID-19

Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks at a news conference about firearm-control legislation that was tabled today in the House of Commons in Ottawa
Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks at a news conference about firearm-control legislation that was tabled today in the House of Commons in Ottawa

Premye Minis Justin Trudeau di ke li teste pozitif pou COVID-19, pou yon dezyèm fwa.

Nan yon tweet li afiche lendi maten, Trudeau te di ke li pral "swiv direktiv sante piblik e li ap izole tèt li".

Semèn pase a, Trudeau te nan Los Angeles kote li te patisipe nan Somè peyi Amerik yo, kote li te rankontre ak yon kantite gwo ofisyèl, tankou Prezidan Ameriken Joe Biden.

"Mwen santi mwen oke, men se paske mwen te resevwa vaksen yo. Se konsa, si ou poko fè sa, pran vaksen an - epi si ou kapab, chache ranfòse yo. Ann pwoteje sistèm swen sante nou an, youn ak lòt, ak tèt nou, "premye minis la afiche.

Sa a se dezyèm enfeksyon Premye Minis Trudeau COVID-19 li konfime apre li te teste pozitif pou COVID-19 an janvye.